The Rest, Refocus, Recharge Journey
Congratulations! You’ve completed the Rest, Refocus, Recharge Program!
The world, how it is currently designed, is not setting us up for success. However, we can choose how we want to respond to it, and have the power to change how we live. By taking this course, you’re taking the first step towards a happy, fulfilled, and high performance life.
This course is meant to provide a framework for making your life better, and to give you practical ideas and tips to incorporate into your life. Some suggestions might resonate with you more than others, and that’s okay. The important thing now is that you take this information and continue to learn, grow, and apply the principles into your life. Remember it’s all about consistent change, 1% at a time.
Taking care of yourself is not being selfish. It’s maximizing your productivity, health, and wellness so you can do your best for yourself and for everyone around you: your team, colleagues, family, friends, and community. It’s like strapping the oxygen mask on yourself before attending to everyone and everything else. Putting on that oxygen mask means you can breathe deeply of everything a world-class life has to offer: the realization of all your dreams.
I’m so honoured that you joined me on this journey. Please keep in touch! I look forward to hearing how you are resting, recovering, and recharging - and of course, optimizing your life.
Dr. Greg Wells
Today’s Bonus Video & Podcast
Check out this video Here for a bonus Q&A of Greg answering questions related to the Rest, Refocus, Recharge program. Also check out this podcast with Ian Lopatin Here on the fitting topic of "Manifesting Your Dreams".
The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.