Work Optimization Key #3: Create the Space
1. The old standard working environment, which consisted of little more than a desk, a chair, and a phone, is just not helping people do their best work anymore.
2. In the last decade, there have been great advances in how companies use workspaces to inspire excellent work in an office, on the road and even at home.
3. Make simple changes to improve productivity and set you up for success such as modular furniture, quiet spaces, and improved natural lighting. Simply put - create your optimal space for focusing on doing your best work on what you care about the most.
“I’ve got a theory: if you love your workspace, you’ll love your work a little more.”
There are several ways you can alter the physical environment to improve the way you focus and perform. You might not be able to change the state of your building, but you can make small changes to certain workspaces or rooms that make a big difference. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to completely change or replace your existing environment—you can work with what you have to create a space more conducive to improved focus. Here are some easy ways to improve your focus space:
1) Standing or walking desks. These are great if you are working on a project that doesn’t require you to be isolated. These can also be used for phone calls or emails. Another option is bar stools at high tables. You can just lean on them and have a conversation. If this isn’t an option, at least make sure you’re using a chair that can be adjusted to ensure optimal posture. It’s important to be able to adjust the arms, the back, and the height of the chair. Check out this link for an office ergonomics tip sheet from the University of Toronto’s Department of Environmental Health & Safety to help you better set up your work station, whether at home or in the office.
2) Change of scenery. When possible and appropriate, try to get away from the desk. Hold walking meetings to enjoy a few minutes of fresh air outside. Even moving a meeting off site to a local coffee shop can get the blood flowing in a way sitting around a desk never can.
3) Meditation rooms. Some progressive companies offer meditation rooms with comfortable chairs and background music. Employees can come in to close their eyes and take a break in a very quiet place to work on mindfulness or meditation. If no such space exists, you can create your own by putting on headphones, positioning your chair so that it’s facing away from door, or finding a place in the building—maybe in a warehouse or meeting room—where you can go to disconnect.
4) Power fuel. Make use of the healthier food options in your building’s vending machines, break rooms, and cafeteria. The typical options available in and around office buildings can literally make you sick as they are often not very nutritious and unfortunately, very rarely unprocessed, fresh foods. Think about what options are available so you can provide yourself with the nutrition needed for optimal performance. Whenever possible, choose healthier snacks like nuts over things like candy or milk chocolate bars. Your body will thank you later!
5) Natural light. Lighting can also play an important role in work spaces. Natural light is far better for people than fluorescent lighting. The more we limit the amount of natural light we get per day, the more we disrupt our circadian rhythms (i.e. our biological clocks that tell us when it’s time to sleep and when it’s not). Introducing plants into an office environment can also improve physical and mental health.
6) Create your home office. I also encourage you to create a home office space that replicates some of these elements. With the growing opportunity for more and more people to work from home, it’s crucial to have an environment that inspires you to do amazing work. If you are a person who frequently works remotely, it can help to also have a “road warrior” kit you can take on the road. Equip yourself with high-quality headphones, perhaps a journal or other meditation device—anything you need to create an environment where you can focus fully on your tasks, regardless of where you are.
We need to make sure that whatever we are trying to accomplish, the environment reflects that. For example, if you must be on a phone call, then go into an office or a boardroom and close the door so you’re not disrupting everybody else around you. If you have to do some collaborative work, then get into a space where you can throw things up on the wall and be engaged with the people around you. It’s all about engineering your environment and using the power of ergonomics to make sure you can get your very best work done in the easiest possible way.
The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.