Week 12: Pursuing Dreams
1. The last step of the 12-week program is to reap the rewards of the changes you have implemented.
2. One of the rewards will be that you will have more time to pursue interests outside of work.
3. We encourage you to spend time doing activities you love, and to go after what will improve your life.
The last step is all about consolidating gains, celebrating progress, assessing how far you’ve come, and pursuing new dreams. This is the time to revisit the initial assessment you conducted during the deconstruction phase. Ask the same questions and measure your gains.
Once you see how much “extra” time you now have, you should be encouraged to be deliberate about doing something with it. If you have gone through the program well, you should end up with about 3 hours per day that you didn’t have before. Humans are very good at replacing things. Unless you fill the time with something else, it’s likely you will simply go back to working again, so create a plan to fill this time with something productive in your outside-of-work life.
We challenge you to find things to do that will you forward in life. Ask yourself, “Can you take a course? Do you want to spend more time with your family? Will you start working out more? Maybe it’s time to begin massage therapy. Maybe you want to be out in nature.” We encourage you to do things you enjoy tremendously that also betters your life. This “life engineering” helps us figure out how we can do things differently and spend our time doing the things we absolutely love to do.
When people go after their dreams, they are energized, focused, and passionate about their work. When you make it a priority to understand what you want out of your work and life, you will craft a mindset that buzzes with excitement and possibility.
It can be beneficial to have a designated accountability partner. If you work together with a colleague, friend, or family member to implement these changes together, and you talk about it and hold each other accountable for actually doing it, the results can be amazing. We encourage you to find someone to check in with regularly and discuss your experiences with the changes. Create whatever support system is necessary for you to succeed, whether it be at work or at home.
Our final exercise of the life mastery module comes back to where we started - dreams! See pages 50 - 55 of The Focus Effect Workbook or click Here to download the exercise. This week, we’d first like you to revisit the Dream Setting Workbook that was completed at the start of the program, and evaluate to what extent you were able to get closer to those dreams. Once complete, we invite you to re-do the workbook, either thinking up new dreams, or modifying existing ones. And remember, dreams are only the first step. It’s important to break them down into yearly goals, monthly objectives, and weekly wins to make them much more tangible.
Check out this podcast episode with speaker Tamsen Webster on turning ideas into action.
The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.