Welcome to The Focus Effect Course!
Welcome to The Focus Effect Program!
We are in the early days of the internet revolution. The world is adapting and that will drastically change the way we live and work for the next one hundred years, if not longer. Today, there are more mobile phones in the world than there are toilets.
The addiction to distraction and all it entails—including the incessant inundation of text messages, social media, notifications, and email—has the potential to cause mental health challenges. One of the causes of anxiety and distress is the constant overload we face every day. It leads to higher levels of frustration, as perceptions of increased effort required to do fewer tasks leaves us feeling burned out and exhausted.
In the workplace, everyone is expected to constantly check their communications, including after work hours and even if they are not being paid to do so. We believe we always have to be reachable, always have to be multitasking, always have to be on. The ironic result of living like this is that we end up more distracted than ever.
Consider these facts:
Studies show average North Americans spend 30–40% of their day distracted.
"Distractedness” is costing companies in the United States $900 billion a year.
The average person spends nearly two hours on social media every day.
Most people use email six hours per day, with nine of ten people saying they check personal email at work and work email from home.
The most common places for people to check their email are while watching TV (70%), from bed (52%), on vacation (50%), while on the phone (43%), from the bathroom (42%), and even—most dangerously—while driving (18%).
Digital media has swept in to define our sense of what is appropriate. We are never out of reach, we are never unplugged. And we are paying for it, both on a personal level and as it pertains to our health, performance, and reaching our potential.
Distraction is destroying our ability to do our best on the things that matter most to us, whether it’s career, school, arts, health or hobby.
So what can we do?
We want people to be able to use their skills and talents—leveraged positively by technology—to change the world for the better, without experiencing any negative health effects. We want to see people talking again, engaging with each other over a meal, not walking around like zombies glued to their devices. We want everyone to be able to disconnect long enough to reclaim their evenings, weekends, and family time.
We want you to be present, both when pursuing a passion and with your loved ones, because that is the key to a world-class life. We want you to crush it at work, school, while pursuing a passion—and then be able to take real vacations so you can experience all the world has to offer while recovering and regenerating.
This program will help you construct world-class routines and habits by building a high-performance, healthy, and happy life both at home and at work. It will delve into the physical and psychological impact of distraction and offer tools to help you reshape the way you approach your life.
We will dive deeper into each facet of what we call The Focus Effect in the coming chapters. Over the course of the program, we will explore:
· Personal Optimization
· Work Optimization
· Life Optimization
During Personal Optimization and Work Optimization, I'll present you with information that will introduce core concepts and also zoom in on specific skills and techniques that you can work on. You will receive articles, podcasts, and videos to help you build the habits and skills you need to reach your potential and be extraordinary. Keep in mind that while Work Optimization is relevant to the workplace, the tactics and techniques that we cover can be applied to all walks of life. This is why this course is so effective for everyone, at any time of their life.
During Life Optimization, you will bring these concepts together and be taken through a 12-week process to install habits and routines that will help you excel at home, at work, and in life.
Be sure to download The Focus Effect Workbook. We encourage you to save it to your computer as a PDF file or print it out. In Life Optimization, you will be using it for each week of the 12-week program. It also contains space for you to write your own notes, comments, and reminders. The more you engage with the content, the more you'll get out of the Program!
Before diving into the Personal Optimization module, the first week will focus on how to set dreams, build great habits, and create an environment for success. This is very similar to the first module of our other courses, The Ripple Effect & Rest Refocus Recharge, however if you’ve gone through these programs already, we still encourage you to read through this material as it will set you up for success in The Focus Effect. This is also an opportunity for you to take a step back and think about what you would like to work on in this specific Program.
You can send us your questions any time via the contact page on the website. All communication between us are confidential and are only shared with our internal team.
Thank you all for being a part of the program!
Dr. Greg Wells and Bruce Bowser - Co- Authors of The Focus Effect
Check out the video below where Dr. Greg Wells and Bruce Bowser talk about the origin story of The Focus Effect and what it means to them.
Click Here to download our new high performance app, VIIVIO, to track your sleep, exercise, nutrition, and recovery to optimize your health!
The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.