Peak Experience, Extraordinary Moments, and Gamma Brainwaves


Key Points:

1. Gamma waves are high-frequency brain waves associated with being in a peak mental state.

2. In this state, we are present in the moment and can begin to experience the extraordinary.

3. Ask yourself: Where do you want to go in life? Why? Once we know that, we can begin to find our state of ultra-performance.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
— Henry Ford

As interest in brainwaves as measured by EEG has increased and expanded, researchers have discovered gamma waves. Gamma waves are fast, high-frequency, rhythmic brain responses that have been shown to spike when higher cognitive processes are engaged. This knowledge is so new that there is still some debate about the existence of these waves and their relevance. But there is enough evidence to share the idea with you, even if only to illustrate what gamma waves represent: a state of being where ultra-performance is possible.

Gamma waves appear to originate in the base of your brain, in the visual cortex, and sweep forward across your brain at a rate of between 30 and 100 cycles per second (Hz). Gamma states are influenced by sensory input (sight, sound, feel, taste, touch) and processes in the brain, including working memory, perception, and attention. Gamma states occur when you are in the moment, taking in information about your environment, processing that information against your established memories and experiences, all while your attention is in the here and now. 


Gamma waves are evident during a peak state. This is what elite performers achieve: a gamma state of ultra-performance. Think Alex Honnold freeclimbing El Capitan, Usain Bolt warming up and racing, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landing on the moon, or Marie Curie working in her lab and making a key discovery. Even better, think about yourself: sitting on a stunningly beautiful beach at sunset , completely present in the moment; or staring deeply into the eyes of a loved one; or holding your child for the first time. While we may not be exactly in gamma in each of these moments, we are in states of peak human potential and performance, where everything comes together and we experience ascending to a new level in our lives. 

In this state, things happen in the body and brain that we are only just beginning to understand.

Interestingly, gamma waves have been measured both in people in deep meditation and in people actively engaged in moments of pure extraordinary experience: That bike ride when you forget you’re cycling. That speech when you were so dominant you lost track of yourself. That moment with your partner when you’re completely locked in on each other. That instant you see the shape of your sculpture emerge or experiment succeed or your presentation wins the room. These are all gamma wave moments, when various brain networks engage all at once and we have peak perception and function. 

Gamma is when you are operating at the limit of your capacity and nothing is getting in your way. It’s when you can embrace the extraordinary.

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Reframe Failure

We have to reframe failure as an essential ingredient in growth.

People who have achieved immense success invariably say that before they got it right, they got it colossally wrong. Many times. And they will point out that they were able to capitalize on those failures because they saw them as a gift, not a curse.

Somehow, we have to get rid of our underlying belief that failure is embarrassing, a sign of weakness, or an indication that we are not cut out to succeed. To think differently, we have to embrace—deeply and fully—the idea that there is no way to achieve your potential if you don’t put yourself in situations where you will fail and then do it with gusto. Maybe not happily, but with passion and determination.

We have to reframe failure as an essential ingredient in growth and that we can pivot from threat to challenge and thereby amplify our lives.

Today’s Call to Action: The Failure Project

Pick something you have no chance whatsoever of achieving, but that you’re interested in. And then go for it. Try your very, very best to reach that next to impossible thing and celebrate when you fail. You'll find it amazing how liberating it is. And you'll either end up achieving it or you'll learn so much that it sets the stage for future success.

This week, set aside some time to brainstorm what that could be for you. Write down your ideas and progress in the Embrace the Extraordinary Notes section on page 37 of the Rest, Refocus, Recharge Workbook. Have fun!

Today’s Bonus

Click Here for a bonus podcast with leadership expert Dan Pontefract on the topic of leading through adversity. On related note, click Here for a video of Alibaba founder and billionaire Jack Ma on how he overcome failure.


The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.