Work Optimization - A Few More Ideas...

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1. Here are 4 more ideas that are essential for success in work - whether it be in the workplace , at school, or while pursuing a passion.

2. Idea 1: Avoid unnecessary meetings. Meeting for the sake of meeting is not a good use of time. Make your meetings efficient by only meeting when necessary, putting away phones, and getting right on task.

3. Idea 2: Device-free work time. Putting phones in a basket or out of sight is an easy way to stay focused during meetings or group work.

4. Idea 3: Communication. Communication is key when trying to implement change in the workspace.

5. Idea 4: Walk the walk. If there is to be a cultural shift in the workspace, leaders - regardless of title - need to lead by example.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
— Peter Drucker

A healthy workplace culture is essential for people to achieve success. Here are four ideas that can help a you become ultra-efficient, and improve your productivity, health, well-being, and happiness.

Key 1: Avoid unnecessary meetings

Meetings that bring people together to create things or to solve problems are wonderful, but everyone dislikes meeting for the sake of meeting. Meetings should be very specific. They should have a detailed agenda, a start, and a finish. They should include only people who absolutely must be there. And there’s no reason meetings must last the standard thirty or sixty minutes. Make them five or ten minutes if that’s all the time you really need. If you are in a meeting that’s been scheduled for thirty minutes and it ends early, don’t force everyone to stay and waste that time. Instead, use it to do something healthy, such as taking a walk.

Finally, push more meetings to the phone rather than forcing everyone to gather in person. I find it moves things along faster and cuts out much of the wasted time. If you are meeting in person, however, phones should be off. The less potential for distraction, the less potential for wasted time.

Get in, get work done, and get out.

Key 2: Device-free work time

You can begin to see how effective and efficient your Power Work and meetings can become without distractions simply by avoiding phone use during Power Work, and ideally keeping mobiles out meetings or group work scenarios.

People can put their phones in a basket as they enter a meeting room or they can leave them with a receptionist or assistant who can keep an eye on them in case of emergency.

This adds a sense of focus and importance to the sessions and acknowledges that you are going to be more productive if everyone is not on their phones.

We all must make sure that we are using everyone’s time effectively.

Key 3: Communication

When changing communication practices to increase focus, it is important for both employees and employers to be clear. If people are confused, they don’t do it. Open dialogue about the benefits of these changes is critical so that everyone understands how they will improve many aspects of their lives both at and outside of work.

The most successful organizations are thinking about the overall health of their people. They are not trying to wring every last ounce of energy out of everybody but instead are enabling people to think, be creative, problem solve, be agile, come up with solutions to difficult problems, or just get the job done so they can leave and recover, regenerate, have a life, and be part of the organization for many years to come.

Focused communication to enhance life and work instead of constant compulsive communication is a powerful idea.

Key 4: Walk the walk

For any change to work, you need to model it. From healthy living to effective use of time, to email batching and efficient communication, people will shift their approach based on what they see leaders doing—regardless of what “position” the leader holds in a group or organization.

Most people want to succeed and have a great life. Help the people around you do so by modelling the focus and effectiveness that will create a culture of health, wellness, and high performance.

By walking the walk and by practicing what you preach, you can inspire everyone around you to follow you footsteps towards healthier lives. In turn, this can solidify a new healthy high performance culture.

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Start, Stop, Continue

Now that you’ve completed the module, is there a habit or routine that you would like to start? Is there a habit that you would like to stop? Is there a habit that you would like to continue?

Use page 15 of The Focus Effect Workbook to record your answers to these questions.

Click here to watch Greg and Bruce discuss their final work mastery tactics!


The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.